Hope for the Caregiver's Store

Books and Music That Strengthen Your Spirit

Discover Caregiver-Centric Treasures

Drawing upon Peter Rosenberger’s vast experience, Hope for the Caregiver offers his lifetime of experience as a lifeline to his fellow caregivers.

Books for Caregivers

Dive into the wisdom and stories that have touched the hearts of caregivers worldwide.

Hope for the Caregiver

A Minute for Caregivers

7 Caregiver Land Mines

Gracie standing with hope

Music for the Soul

“When words fail, music speaks.” - Hans Christian Andersen

Throughout Peter and Gracie’s extensive journey through disability, suffering, and caregiving, music continues to comfort and fortify them. You can let their music encourage and minister to you through their full-length CDs.

Explore the melodies that resonate with your caregiving journey.


By donating, you directly contribute to our mission of supporting caregivers and their loved ones.

Whether supporting the radio program (now on more than 200 stations) or the prosthetic limb outreach in West Africa, you can equip others to continue Standing With Hope.

We know that it’s not always possible to donate. Please know that your presence and participation within this community are greatly valued.

There’s no excuse for any pastor, counselor, or medical provider to struggle with what to say to a family caregiver. I speak fluent ‘caregiver;’ put this book in their hands and tell them about our program. - Peter Rosenberger

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